Moving Forward - Together

Willie is fighting for you and for District 53. But he also needs your help. We are a grass-roots campaign. Your support is critical.

Show your support. Stay up to date.

Add your name  to support WIllie’s campaign. You’ll stay updated on the important issues in District 53, campaign events, voting information, and other ways to get involved with Willie’s campaign.


The most important way to support Willie is to vote on November 3rd. This election could come down to a few dozen votes. Every vote counts. Especially yours. We will win this election with your vote.

Spread the Word

Tell your family and your friends about Willie. Get them involved. Talk to them about the issues Willie fights for – better education, better infrastructure, and more jobs for District 53. Get them to commit to voting on November 3rd.

Go Social

Follow Willie on Facebook or Instagram and share his updates with your friends. Comment and ask questions about issues important to you. When early voting begins in October be sure to post updates to remind everyone to vote.

Get out the Vote

Registering voters and making sure they get to the polls is one of the most important parts of any political campaign. Willie needs your registering voters, making calls, telling his story, inspiring people, and encouraging them to vote. Find more information on voter registration on the Voting page.